AAT-390 is a solvent free, copolymer adhesive specifically designed for the professional installation of marine carpets and sheet vinyl. AAT-390 offers excellent resistance to moisture when fully cured. AAT-390 is compatible with most carpet backings and felt back sheet goods. AAT-390 is non-flammable, freeze - thaw stable (if allowed to freeze, thaw out at room temperature (70oF+) before using, do not stir adhesive while ice crystals are present). This adhesive is protected by the CleanGuard® two-stage antimicrobial. CleanGuard® is a specifically formulated broad-spectrum, anti-microbial agent that protects our adhesives and sealers from microorganisms, such as mold or mildew, in both the wet and dry state.
AAT-390 Marine and Exterior Adhesive Is Recommended for the Following Installations:
- Marine and outdoor carpets with the following backings:
- Rubber-backed (Marine, waffle, foam)
- Non-backed (Tufted or woven)
- Woven polypropylene (ActionBac®)
- Latex unitary
- Jute
- Polyurethane cushion (Enhancer®, Kangaback®)
- Sheet vinyl:
- Felt back
- Vinyl [PVC] backings
- Subfloor Surfaces: Sub-floors must be flat and structurally sound. The sub-floor should be flat within 3/16” in 10’ or 1/8” in 6’. All paint, varnish, oil, wax, finishes and any other bond inhibiting substances must be removed. Smooth or glazed surfaces must be abraded. Repair all joints and cracks with latexfortified portland cement underlayment. Concrete sub-floors must be properly prepared according to the recommended practices detailed in the document ASTM F-710. Never sand existing resilient flooring that could contain asbestos. Follow all federal, state and local regulations relating to the removal of in-place, asbestos containing material. Very porous sub-floors must be primed with AAT-570 Primer. AAT-390 can be used over the following sub-floors. For interior applications over concrete and gypsum cement the maximum moisture emission rate of 5lbs/1000 sq ft./24 hours [ASTM F-1869] and a maximum in situ RH of 80% [ASTM F-2170]. The sub-floor pH must be 7.0- 9.0 [ASTM F-710]:
Concrete (clean and fully cured)
Asphalt paving (clean and fully cured)
Other clean, sound paving surfaces
APA rated underlayment and marine grade plywood
Note: Aluminum surfaces must be sanded before adhering floorcovering to remove aluminum oxide which will weaken the bond. Aluminum and steel surfaces must be cleaned with a mild solvent (naptha or mineral spirits) before applying the adhesive to remove oils or greases. When used over rubber roof coatings, a permanent bond is formed. Fiberglass surfaces must be sanded and vacuumed. Make sure to thoroughly clean fiberglass surfaces with denatured alcohol or methanol cleaner and let dry. AAT-390 is NOT for use on pressure-treated
wood. *Clean and abraded to provide for a mechanical bond.
Not for use with carpets having urethane unitary backings.
Usage Information:
- Freeze-Thaw Stable to 15°F. Frozen material should be allowed to thaw at room temperature. DO NOT agitate or stir while frozen. Stability and spread-ability can be reduced if frozen. For best results, do not allow the adhesive to freeze
- Clean-up: wet adhesive with warm water, dry adhesive with AAT-197 Adhesive Remover
- It is essential that good adhesive contact be achieved. A 100% transfer of floor adhesive into the carpet backing while maintaining full coverage of the sub-floor must be obtained. On stiff backings or on backings that have curling tendencies, the flooring should be laid into the adhesive immediately after spreading and
laid open for no more than 30 minutes before reapplying to the sub-floor. This method insures adhesive transfer to improve installation results.
Typical Trowels and Approximate Coverage Rates:
Carpet | Sheet Vinyl |
1/8 x 1/8 x 1/8 V-Notch | 1/16 x 1/16 x 1/16 V-Notch |
108 sq. ft. /gal | 180 sq. ft. /gal |
Installation Recommendations:
Prior to the start of the installation the installer must determine that the job-site conditions meet or exceed all applicable standards of the carpet/turf manufacturer and AAT. The sub-floor should be prepared according to the standards and practices set forth in the latest version of document ASTM F-710.
- Sub-floor surface must be sound, smooth and free of loose paint, varnish, curing agents, parting compounds, oil, grease, wax or any other foreign agents or contaminates that could affect the adhesive and bond strength.
- Minimum environmental conditions are 65°-90°F and 35%-65% relative humidity for both the floorcovering and adhesive for not less than 48 hours before installation. These conditions should be maintained as the adhesive cures. Normal cure time is 24-48 hours, depending on temperature and relative humidity.
Spread the AAT-390 using the specified trowel. Allow the adhesive to tack properly (10-15 minutes) maintaining the proper notch throughout the entire installation.
- Lay floorcovering into the adhesive so as to minimize air bubble and wrinkles. Roll the floorcovering with a 50-75 lb three section roller in both north - south and east - west directions. Check a small area for 100 percent transfer.
- Keep the installation dry and at room temperature while curing. Exposure to water or rain will wash away the uncured adhesive. Fully cured adhesive is water resistant.
- Clean up tools or adhesive spills with water while wet. Use AAT-197 Adhesive Remover or safety solvent if the adhesive has dried.
dimensions | 8.25 x 7.75 x 7.75 in. |
weight | 11 Lbs |